Representatives of Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska, Federal Ministry of Health, BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, member states of the Network, the World Health Organization and health institutions from BiH and the region, took part in a two-day thematic meeting of the South Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) in Banja Luka.

They discussed strengthening of nursing in Southeast Europe, the roadmap of the Regional Development Center for Nursing, and the exchange of experiences of Southeast Europe countries. Through the exchange of experiences and good practices, the participants had the opportunity to define proposals for further development and improvement of the nursing and midwifery, guided by European and international standards.

The thematic meeting in Banja Luka served as a platform for constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas aiming to improve the situation in nursing and midwifery in the region and beyond. The next important event during Bosnia and Herzegovina’s presidency in SEEHN will be held in Sarajevo on 20th and 21st June 2024, when BiH will officially hand over the presidency to the Republic of Bulgaria.